Wie sind wieder aufgestanden! Nach dem Riesenfrust mit dem „Nomutes Home“, habe ich durch einen Bekannten zwei Damen treffen können, die im Township Langa während der Pandemie 8 Suppenküchen aufgebaut haben und noch immer betreuen. Dort werden täglich bis zu zweihundert Kinder ernährt, verwahrloste Kinder, um die sich nicht mal Angehörige (wenn vorhanden) kümmern. Darunter gibt es viele, die kein richtiges Zuhause besitzen. Deshalb wird unser Haus nun zu einem neuen Kinderheim aufgebaut. Wir werden „Step by Step“ nun Kinder aufnehmen. Und unser Team, begleitet durch Sozialarbeiterinnen, werden ein professionelles Umfeld bieten, in dem diese Kinder positiv aufwachsen und entwickeln können.
Zusammen mit den Helferinnen, die nun für unser Haus arbeiten wollen, wird dieses Team dieses Kinderheim erfolgreich in die Zukunft führen.
We are back on our feet! After the huge frustration with the „Nomutes Home“, I was able to meet two ladies through an acquaintance who set up 8 soup kitchens in the township of Langa during the pandemic and are still looking after them. Up to two hundred children are fed there every day, neglected children who are not even looked after by relatives (if any). Many of them do not have a proper home. That is why our house is now being developed into a new children’s home. We will now take in children „step by step“. And our team, accompanied by social workers, will provide a professional environment in which these children can grow up and develop positively.
Together with the helpers who now want to work for our home, this team will lead this children’s home successfully into the future.
from left to right:
Nomtheto Ham I worked in a guest house in Cape Town, I am retired but volunteered at Nomutes Home as a cook.
Nokuthula Sikweza came with 17 into the children’s home in Lwandle, works there in the orphanage, looks after 10 children there, and is currently training to become a social worker.
Vuyiswa Ndzakana A mother, social entrepreneur and a community developer. Studied Marketing management and Project management. Background and experience on Property and facilities management. Current mentor and a coach to University students. Great love of people.
Ndileka Ngambu Human rights activist worked as Senior Paralegal in Black Sash which is human right NGO for more than 15 years and studied social science and was employed by Social Development.
Ncebakazi Mfokofi I am hardworking, I love children, I have worked in Rondebosch as a cleaner and as a nanny. I have volunteered at Nomutes
Nobonile Patronella – I am a hard worker – I can work in a team, I did work with children at Chris Hani School and volunteered at Nomutes Home